
Pluto (SRN-008) is one of the Stardroids from Mega Man V. He is modelled after some form of feline, his body is covered in insulating fur and he carries claws attached to his knuckles. Like felines, his reflexes are uncanny and he can move so fast that his enemies do not even see what hits them. Although Pluto and the other Stardroids would be defeated by Mega Man, Dr. Wily was so impressed by Pluto's design that he modelled Slash Man after him.


  • Homing Blast - Pluto can fire projectiles with a degree of homing capability.
  • Fireball - Pluto can launch fiery blasts from his hands.
  • Break Dash - Pluto dashes at blinding speed to slash his opponent with his claws. Mega Man can copy this ability.


  • Grab Buster - The Grab Buster can sap Pluto's energy and give it to Mega Man.