The HK-Aerial is an unmanned, VTOL-capable robotic aircraft that appears throughout the Terminator franchise. Created by Skynet based on design blueprints left behind by Cyberdyne Systems, HK-Aerials form the bulk of Skynet's air force. A common sight in the post-Judgment Day future, these machines are constantly making overhead sweeps of ruined cities in search of humans to destroy. When ground-based targets are acquired, they will relentlessly bombard them with fire from their numerous gun turrets. They are also capable of combating other aircraft, though the Human Resistance has too few aircraft compared to Skynet's fleets of HK's.
Original timeline[]
In the original timeline, there were two known models of HK-Aerials: the Mark Seven Aerial or Series A/7 Aerial Tilt Rotor Attack Drone, which looked like a canopy-less helicopter, and the Mark Eight Aerial or Series A/8 Aerial Tilt-Turbine Seeker Drone, the newest model. Their weapon loadout is also different: the Mark Seven is armed with a frontal laser cannon and either missiles or Seeker mines, whereas the Mark Eight relies on two underslung laser cannon turrets and a frontal plasma cannon. The Mark Eight could also deploy Mini-Hunter drones to track and terminate humans within enclosed areas such as ruined buildings.
T3 timeline[]
In this alternate timeline, a more advanced form of the HK-Aerial was produced by Skynet based on a smaller prototype model produced by Cyber Research Systems. This model appeared more "shark-like and organic" in its design, was larger with a wingspan of 108 feet and more heavily armed, sporting multiple machine guns for picking off human infantry, a large phased plasma cannon for destroying stationary targets and up to ten missiles for destroying enemy aircraft or bombarding ground-based vehicles and bunkers.
Salvation timeline[]
In Terminator: Salvation, the HK-Aerial's design largely reverted to that of the original design from The Terminator, though with a few visual differences. The craft's hull appeared to have somewhat more curvature and was less angular; the lower bow of the machine also featured a distinct optic sensor suite displaying three glowing red dots in a triangular formation.
Genysis timeline[]
In Terminator: Genisys, the design of the HK-Aerial was once again altered to appear more streamlined and less "blocky" than the original design. Seen during the final battle of the Future War, these machines were equipped to attack targets both on the ground and in the air with plasma cannons and missiles. Their most remarkable feature, however, was their ability to deploy Spider Tanks on the battlefield.
- Power Source - Like most Skynet machines, the HK-Aerials are powered by fusion reactors.
- Engines - A HK-Aerial carries a turbofan engine at the end of each wing and a smaller turbofan on the tail.
- Sensors - All Skynet machines are equipped with infra-red and thermal imaging sensors.
- Weapons - Aerial HK's are armed with heat-seeking missiles, machine gun turrets and phased plasma cannons.