Dr. Robotnik is the primary antagonist of the 1999 cartoon series Sonic Underground. Based on the character of Dr. Eggman from the Sonic the Hedgehog game series, he is an obese and villainous scientist with a passion for robotics and an insatiable appetite for power. He rules the planet Mobius with an iron fist, though his rule is constantly being undermined by the siblings Sonic, Manic and Sonia, the children of the deposed Queen Aleena, who lead a resistance movement against Robotnik's empire.
This incarnation of Robotnik is physically identical to the Archie and SatAM incarnations of the character. He is a large man with a bald, cone-shaped cranium, black eyes with red irises and a long-haired orange moustache. He has a wide, bloated torso, thick arms and short, thick legs. He does not have regular human ears, instead sporting a pair of mechanical stubs that function as ears.
Robotnik's attire consists of a red and black jumpsuit with a yellow belt and harness, large red shoulder pads, a red cape, grey leggings and black boots with red highlights. His right arm is covered with silver bands wrapped around it and wears a grey glove over the hand. His left arm is mechanical, presumably due to an accident with the Roboticizer.
Nothing is known about Robotnik's past, though he rose to power over Mobius in a similar manner to his counterparts from the Archie comics and 1993 animated series. Amassing an enormous army of Swatbots and other robots, the doctor conquered the city of Mobotropolis and deposed Queen Aleena, the then-ruler of Mobius. Turning the city into "Robotropolis", Robotnik began roboticizing the majority of the citizens, only allowing the wealthy elite to continue living normal lives so long as they pledged their allegiance to him. In a short amount of time, Robotnik's influence would be felt all over Mobius, with Swatbots policing every major settlement and enforcing the doctor's harsh laws. Citizens living outside of Robotropolis were allowed to live relatively normal lives as long as they followed Robotnik's laws, otherwise they would be sent to the Roboticizer and turned into mechanical slaves.
Early into his rule, Robotnik was met in the middle of the night by an apparition of the Oracle of Delphius. The Oracle warned Robotnik that his empire was doomed to fall to the Council of Four: the exiled Queen Aleena and her three children. When the Queen had fled, she had left each of her children in the care of different foster parents. As they grew up, they would begin opposing Robotnik's rule. In order to prevent the prophecy from coming true, Robotnik captured each sibling's foster parents and had them roboticized. This act, however, only led to the siblings reuniting and joining the Resistance, both to overthrow Robotnik and to find their missing mother.
Over the course of the war, Robotnik largely took a backseat in the conflict, leaving the task of capturing the royal hedgehogs to his bounty hunter minions, Sleet and Dingo. He would hatch a number of sinister plots to capture the siblings and crush the Resistance, inventing various robots and other machines to achieve this goal.
Robotnik is a self-centered, narcissistic, sociopathic, manipulative, paranoid, and elitist control freak who desires absolute authority over everyone and everything, and he will go to extreme lengths to maintain his powerful position. In fact, he would sooner allow the world to be destroyed, along with himself, than see his grip of power be relinquished back to the Hedgehog Dynasty, the rightful ruling family over Mobius. On top of that, not even mass infanticide is off the table for this madman, as he would destroy Sanctuary, a place where freedom fighters raise their infants and children, just to permanently quell any and all resistance. Like any corrupt politician, Robotnik can lie, deceive, and manipulate people, and Robotnik's "leadership" carefully blends coercion with manipulation, as those loyal and useful to him enjoy prosperous lives, while enemies or underperforming minions are disposed of quickly (usually through roboticization). While the loyal elite live comfortably, the lower classes live in abject squalor thanks to overtaxing, and those who fail to work hard enough face roboticization.