
Bannakaffalatta was a character from the Doctor Who Christmas special "Voyage of the Damned". He was a short humanoid alien known as a Zocci, bearing red, spikey skin. He was also a cyborg, having a mechanical torso which he always tried to hide due to discrimination against cybernetics in the galactic community.


Bannakaffalatta was a guest aboard the starliner Titanic during its tourism voyage to Earth in 2008. During the cruise, he met the Tenth Doctor and briefly strolled around Denton on Christmas Eve on a tour led by Mr. Copper. He was one of the few passengers to survive the initial collision of a pair of meteors which struck the ship.

With the Titanic critically damaged, the Doctor rallied the survivors behind him in an effort to reach the TARDIS and escape the doomed cruiser. As Bannakaffalatta was small, he could get through spaces others could not. He revealed his cybernetics to Astrid Peth, to whom he took a fancy and asked on a date, which she accepted. Over a short period of time, he grew to accept his nature as a cyborg.

While travelling over a bridge of girders overlooking the ship's storm engine, Bannakaffalatta got across with ease. When the Heavenly Hosts descended upon the small group of survivors, he used his cybernetic implant to release an electromagnetic pulse to destroy them and give the Doctor and the others time to escape. Using the EMP left Bannakaffalatta's cybernetics without power and he died soon after.


Bannakaffalatta had a cybernetic device fused to his midriff which most likely acted as a life-support system. It is unknown how he came to need this device. The device also carried a transmitter that could emit an electromagnetic pulse, knocking out any electronic machinery within its blast radius. However, using this weapon also disabled Bannakaffalatta himself, resulting in his death.
